Your Entrepreneurial Journey NOW
Hello, I am Yuqing, I help wantrepreneurs and early-stage entrepreneurs achieve continuous personal and business growth
Who I am
Greetings! I am Yuqing 😀. My mission is to inspire people to start their entrepreneurship and facilitate their personal and business development along the journey.My WHY:
1. Many people, including me, are generalists with cross-disciplinary talents. We tend to feel unfulfilled when we have to fit ourselves for a fixed position. Entrepreneurship can fully maximise our potential.2. We, humans, need purpose and meaning for work. How many of us feel demotivated and meaningless about our job, we are eager to do what truly inspires us. Entrepreneurship is one way enabling us to work with purpose and meaning.3. Starting and doing business can be very challenging mentally. Fear of starting out, fear of rejection, lack of confidence, making continuous mistakes, facing failures and more. So entrepreneurs, especially early-stage ones, need someone who has just experienced all these and overcome these challenges, to stand next to you and support your personal growth.4. For people who just start their very first business, it can be quite confusing and overwhelming to start. What to do, how to start, who their customers are, what they can offer, how to market themselves, how to sell......It would save you lots of time, energy and headache when you work with a reliable coach who has struggled a lot and learnt a lot, to help you avoid mistakes and structure your business effectively.This is why I am here ready to help more and more entrepreneurs thrive.
Our Services
Find Your Niche
At the beginning of my coaching journey, I used to think that I could help everyone and help them solve all their problems. I used to brand myself with words like ‘transformation’, ‘unlock your potential’ and ‘happiness’ . In my perspective, it sounded fantastic, however, people rarely came and asked about my service.Later, I found out that people often get confused with my service and did not understand what problems I could help them solve. In business, when customers get confused, they simply walk away.After realising the importance of starting with a niche, I gave a lot of effort to figure out who my target customers were, what specific problems they had and what I could offer them to solve their problems. When I have a niche and keep sharpening my messages, my potential customers see that I understand their problems and I have excellent solutions, they come and ask me about my service.Join our 8-week bootcamp NOW, let me help you find your authentic niche, so that you can deliver clear and sharp messages to your target customers and they think you have the solutions for their problems.
Design Your Effective Customer Acquisition System
When it comes to acquiring customers, I had no system:Time to time, I posted something generic on LinkedIn, hoping customers would come and ask about my service. But the reality was almost no one came.I got advice from a marketing expert that commenting would bring me more attention, then I spent lots of time on commenting but I did not like it and it did not bring me any customers, but many salesy marketing agencies......I heard from a coach that I needed to go to big events to network with people. I did it, but I often ended up getting totally exhausted and acquiring no valuable contact.I had the feeling that I was everywhere but at the same time going nowhere. So I took some time and worked seriously on my customer acquisition system. What I am good at and what not. What works and what does not work. So I developed a super lean and effective system which helps me acquire customers and also enjoy the process.So join our 8-week bootcamp NOW, let me help you design an effective system that works for your business, so that you can acquire customers more efficiently and joyfully, without wasting lots of valuable time and energy and getting frustrated.
Tell Your Stories
When I just started my coaching business, like many coaches, I posted content on LinkedIn, such as 'self-love', 'believe in yourself', 'get out of your comfort zone', 'change your mindsets'......Slowly I got more and more Likes, but I realised that most of the Likes are from people who just wanted to support me or my point of view, they never came and asked about my service. I got frustrated and did not understand why.Later on, I realised that generic content does not convert. To build a strong and vivid personal brand, I need to write content that relates to myself and my experiences. So I began to write about my stories: 'Why I became a coach, instead of continuing staying in academia', 'Why I chose my niche, instead of something else', 'What I have learnt from an event that happened today'......When I tell my stories, people find my content interesting to read, easy to remember, and actionable to apply. Through those stories, I can connect with people on the human level and build my vivid personal brand.So join our 8-week bootcamp NOW, let me show you how to write just 1-2 posts/week and high-value customers come and ask about your service.
Our Product
8-week Entrepreneurship Bootcamp
Ready to start your entrepreneurial journey?
Email: [email protected]
© 2024 by Yuqing Wang, Virchowstraße 30, 89075 Ulm, Germany. All rights reserved.
Monthly Business Growth Subscription
(Ideal for coaches who want to work sustainably to grow their businesses)
6-month Authentic Self-discovery Journey
(Ideal for coaches who want to work deeply to connect their authenticity)
Download Our Free Worksheet
8 Steps to Find Your Authentic Niche
Yuqing Wang
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Email: [email protected]Umsatzsteuer-ID
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Yuqing Wang
Virchowtraße 30
89075 Ulm
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An Awakened Human
Once upon a time, I lived like a robotic human. I was programmed as follows: be born, go to school to learn skills like reading, remembering, reasoning and so on, be good at these, go to university, find a decent job after graduation, and keep working until retirement. And in between find time to get married and have children.
Even though I was programmed, as a child and teenager, I struggled a lot with schooling. I forced myself to get excellent grades to look good in front of others, but deep inside I hate all these.This kind of suffering continued, until I was bullied at the workplace, when I did my first PhD. That period of time was really dark and painful for me. But it made me think: ''Is all these worth it? What do I truly want? Who am I?''
At that time, a friend of mine said to me: ‘Yuqing, you are not a robot. You are a lovely human. Go and find yourself, and live your life as a human.’I did not understand his words at the moment, but since then I began to work on it:I began to read more books about human psychology, journal my thoughts and emotions, practice yoga and meditation, spend time in the forest, listen to my inner voice, instead of busy around the whole day chasing degrees, certificates and acknowledgement from the outside world.I stopped forcing myself to do things that twist my heart, to hang around with people who I do not like, to please others who I care and do not care about.
Gradually I develop clarity, calmness and confidence in my thinking and communication.I want to do business, where I can let my true self shine and maximize my strengths.I find connection is my purpose, so I built up my business aimed to support people to build deep connections with themselves (body & mind & soul, inner child, inner voice......) and with other people.Entrepreneurship coaching, Yoga, Meditation, Pilates, DEEPWORK and more are powerful tools for building those connections.With those connections, we can free ourselves from the code that was previously programmed to us.