Why Me ?
Greetings! My name is Yuqing (Quinn), and I am thrilled to introduce myself as a habits coach dedicated to helping people develop effective habits.Here are 7 compelling reasons why partnering with me can drive your success:
Professional Coaching Credentials:
As a professional coach trained through an ICF-accredited program, I am committed to excellence in coaching. To continuously refine my skills, I engaged in 1:1 coaching with a highly accomplished coach. My experience spans working with clients from diverse backgrounds, helping them achieve meaningful personal and professional goals. (see testimonials).Educational and Technical Expertise:
With a strong foundation in science, technology, and education, I bring a strategic, analytical, and practical approach to coaching. This unique perspective helps clients build effective habits that are both actionable and sustainable.Personal Transformation:
Through the power of effective habits, I transformed my life from feeling like a "lost robot" to becoming an empowered, purpose-driven individual. My journey serves as a testament to what is possible. (Read my story here)Entrepreneurial Experience:
Since 2023, I have successfully launched and managed 3 thriving businesses:1. A yoga and fitness business, having collaborated with seven studios and a major sports club.
2. A coaching practice focused on personal and professional development.
3. A studybridge agency, launched in December 2024 to support international students coming to Germany.The effective habits I have cultivated allow me to stay productive and organized, providing me with the credibility to help clients systematically overcome challenges and achieve their goals.Mind-Body Connection Expertise:
With extensive experience in yoga and meditation, I empower clients to cultivate focus, mindfulness, and balance through proven techniques. This mind-body connection strengthens the foundation for habit transformation.Integration of Ancient Wisdom:
Inspired by Chinese ancestral philosophy, I weave timeless wisdom into my coaching practices. This holistic approach fosters growth not just in habits, but also in mindset and overall well-being.Passion for Positive Change:
I am deeply passionate about inspiring and empowering individuals to create lasting, positive change in their lives.
In short, with a blend of professional training, personal transformation, entrepreneurial success, and holistic expertise, I offer a comprehensive approach to habit-building. Whether you’re striving for personal growth, professional success, or greater balance, I can help you unlock your potential and achieve your aspirations.
Our Services
Develop Effective Habits
We’ve all heard the saying: “Pay attention to your habits, because they become your character. Pay attention to your character, because it is your fate.”Habits shape who we are and how we navigate life, making the development of effective habits essential for a fulfilling life.Now, imagine cultivating habits that truly empower you:✅ A healthy sleeping routine helps you wake up feeling refreshed, stay energized throughout the day, and keep your mind and body in balance.✅ A daily meditation habit helps you stay calm, focused, and feel more in control of your thoughts and emotions.✅ A daily planning habit helps you stay organized, reduce stress, and make steady progress towards your goals with more clarity and confidence.✅ A daily reading habit helps you learn new things, expand your perspective, and find moments of peace and relaxation in your busy day.✅ A saving and investing habit helps you build financial security, reduce stress, and feel more confident about your future.✅ A habit of saying 'NO' to things and people that aren’t aligned with your priorities helps you protect your time, focus on what truly matters, and create a more intentional and fulfilling life.
......What could be more rewarding than a life that’s balanced, productive, and deeply fulfilling?P.S. If you’re unsure how coaching can help you make these transformative changes, click here
Our Product
Master 1 Habit in 4 Weeks
Ready to make a change?
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An Awakened Human
Once upon a time, I lived like a 'robot'. I was programmed as follows: be born, go to school to learn skills like reading, remembering, reasoning and so on, be good at these, go to university, Bachelor, Master, PhD, find a decent job after graduation, and keep working until retirement. And in between find time to get married and have children.
Even though I was programmed like that and I implemented the code, deep inside I was not happy at all, but I did not know why.I lived in an anxious but empty state, until I had experienced workplace bullying, when I did my first PhD. That period of time was really dark and painful for me. But it made me think: ''Is all these worth it? What do I truly want? Who am I?''
At that time, a friend of mine said to me: ‘Yuqing, you are not a robot. You are a lovely human. Go and find yourself, and live your life as a human.’I did not understand his words at the moment, but since then I began to work on it:I began to develop effective habits, such as healthy sleeping routine, daily yoga and meditation practice, long-term strategic thinking, reading books, journaling my thoughts and emotions, spending time in the forest, goal setting, healthy boundaries and more.I stopped forcing myself to do things that twist my heart, or to hang around with people who I do not like, or to please others by sacrificing myself.
Gradually I developed more and more clarity, calmness and confidence in my thinking, action and communication.I realised that I want to help people, who want to make positive changes in their lives.Therefore, I decided to become a Habits Coach to help people to start small and achieve big.
How Coaching Can Help You Grow?
Here are some examples:
Gain Clarity of Thinking and Feeling
I have helped customers gain more clarity of their thinking and feeling, which was very helpful for them to make tough decisions.
Identify and Stay Focused on Priorities
I have helped customers identify their priorities in business and stay focused on them, which increased their productivity, sense of achievement and also created them more time and energy to spend with their families in the evening and at weekend.
Develop Mindfulness and Live in Presence
Many entrepreneurs find it difficult to be mindful and present. Our minds tend to be much more 'monkey' than people working in other fields. I have helped customers develop mindfulness through practical techniques, which helped them significantly live with peace of mind.
Develop Positive Mindset
I have come across customers who hold negative opinions about themselves and people around them, so I helped them develop a positive mindset, which supported them to develop harmonious relationships with people in business and their personal lives.
Move Forward From Past
I have helped customers who just experienced huge life changes (such as divorce, business failures) walk out of the sadness & frustration and be ready for the new chapter of their lives.
Set and Hold Onto Healthy Boundaries with People
I have hired a coach to help with my boundary issue. I tend to get frustrated with people. After the coaching, I realised that I need to set clear and strong boundaries and communicate them firmly, so that I can have healthy relationships with people.
Overcome Imposter Syndrome
Many high achievers have imposter syndrome, especially female leaders. I have helped customers overcome their self-doubt and stay focused on their goals and execution, which helped them gain more confidence and reduced unnecessary internal friction.